Aim: To equip prospective students to be entrepreneurial or to become entrepreneur.

Workshop Started by 11.20 am after the students from various departments assembled at Rev. K.C. George Memorial Auditorium. It started with Prayer song by BBA Students followed by Thamil thai vazhlthu and College Anthem. Welcome Address was given by Ms. Amrin , III BCS. Our Principal, Dr. M. Sivarajan gave the inaugural address in which he shared his friends experience, the struggles he had overcome to become a tycoon. He explained the need for entrepreneurship and ignited the spirit of entrepreneurship in students. Felicitation Address was given by Mrs. Ann Hepsiba Niraja, Vice-Principal, Shift – 1. After Dr. Babita Prem introduced the Guest. Mrs. C. Evangeline, ED Coordinator, St. Peter’s College of Engineering and Technology delivered the workshop.
