Department of Commerce, Shift – I in association with IQAC conducted a seminar on Intellectual Property Rights at KCGSJ Memorial hall on 2nd May 2022. Mr. A. Lakshmi Narayanan, Examiner of Patents and Designs, Officer (Group ‘A’ Gazette), Intellectual Property India, Government of India was the resource person of the day. Ms. Mary Udayapriya Dominic was the convenor of the programme. The objective of the seminar is to create awareness on Intellectual Property Rights among the students and faculty members.
The programme started at 11.30 am with prayer song followed by ThamizhThaaiVazhthu. Ms. Malini of III B.Com welcomed the gathering followed by Lighting of Lamp. Chief Guest was introduced by Glory Joys of III B.Com. Thereupon the chief guest was honored with Shawl and Memento by Dr. G.Gayathri, Vice Principal, Shift – I and Prof.K.Subhashini, Vice Principal, Shift-II. Dr.A.Lakshmi Narayanan, Resource person of the day took over the session and shared the knowledge creating awareness on Intellectual Property Rights. Ms.Jayavarshini of III B.Com proposed the vote of thanks. 215 students and 32 faculty members registered from various department of our college and 170 students attended the seminar and was benefited. Feedbacks received from the participants were positive .E-Certificate by Government of India will be provided to the participants. Ms.Nafisa of III B.Com was the master of Ceremony
Prof & Head of the Department,
Department of Commerce, Shift – I
Mar Gregorios College of Arts and Science