The Mock NAAC Peer team visited Mar Gregorios College, Chennai, on 4th July 2022, to assess the institution's performance for the first cycle. The reception team cheerfully welcomed the Peer Team. The team includes Dr. Mary Angeline Santhosam, Principal, Nazareth College of Arts and Science, trained Assessor, NAAC; Mrs.K. Alamelu, Assistant Professor and IQAC Coordinator; Ms. E. ManoRanjitham, Vice-Principal and Head of the Department; Dr. Thiyagaraj, Dean of the Student Affairs and IQAC member. The assessment process began with an interaction with the Heads of departments. The IQAC Coordinator, Prof. S. Shantha, Dr. M. Sivarajan, the Principal, and IQAC members were present during the assessment. The mock team had a brief discussion with the faculties and Heads of the Departments.
The staff orientation program started in the conference Hall at 2.00 p.m. Dr. Mary Angeline welcomed the gathering. Dr. Mary Angeline Santhosam, Principal, Nazareth College of Arts and Science, trained Assessor, NAAC began the session by examining the ppt which was done by all the departments. Further she also explained about the preparation for NAAC peer team visit. Additionally, the speaker also focused on seven criteria’s and other things that has to be followed during the NAAC peer team visit. The inspecting members expressed their happiness and satisfaction with the performance of the college. They also suggested a few necessary steps for the improvement which will be helpful for the forthcoming NAAC visit.