DATE: 8th AUGUST 2022
Mar Gregorios College of Arts & Science conducted Fresher’s orientation program for the academic year 2022-2023 on 8th August 2022. The program began at 9.30 a.m with the welcoming of students, parents, dignitaries and faculty members. Rev. Fr. Philip Pulipra, the secretary of the institution, graced the occasion with his presence. The college choir led the program with Prayer Song followed by Tamil Thai Vazhthu and College Anthem. The Dignitaries inaugurated the session by lighting the lamp.
Mrs.T. Pabitha, Assistant Professor of Commerce rendered the Welcome Address. The Secretary of MGC, Rev. Fr. Philip Pulipra blessed the students by giving a motivational speech to the freshers and encouraged them to explore MGC by taking part in various activities. Dr. M. Sivarajan, Principal, delivered the inaugural address. He welcomed the students and gave them an introduction regarding academic disciplines. He also discussed the overview of the college including Infrastructure, clubs, cells and various associations. He also advised the students to focus on their Goal, Importance of Education and Skill Development activities to become a successful individual. He addressed the parents to focus on their child's personal and professional development. Further, he also gave a brief description of the institution, which includes the motto, history and reputation of college along with recent achievements.
As a part of reflecting the Unity in Diversity in our campus, verses from Bhagavat Gita, Bible and Quran were recited by the senior students in the holy book reading session. To symbolise Knowledge & Wisdom, High technology and Communication, Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving, Good health & Recreation, and Manual Labour; Books, Computer, Instrument, Bat & Ball, Pick & Axe were blessed and offered to the secretary in the offertory procession. Dr. G. Gayathri, Vice Principal of Shift -I and Dr. S. Shalini Maher of shift-II introduced the IQAC coordinator, Deans, and Heads of all the departments to the freshers. Introduction about the various cells and clubs was given by the respective staff in-charges.
The students were addressed by the head in charges of various clubs. Prof. Jemila and Prof. C. Dhanalakshmi gave instructions regarding the rules and regulation of MGC..
The in charge of exam cell Dr. Hemalatha, Assistant professor, Department of Computer Application, Shift 1, gave a brief instructions to the first year students regarding mark spilt up, fee structure and registrations details for university exams.
Dr. Nalarasu, Director of Physical education gave a talk on the importance of sports in a student’s life. He also spoke about the achievements done by the students of MGC and encouraged the freshers to take part in various sport activities.
This was followed by LieutenantMoeisson Thairiyam, Assistant Professor, Department of MSW delivered an inspirational talk on NCC and motivated the students to take part in NCC.
Dr. V. Iyappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, NSS Coordinator gave an overview about the duties and responsibilities of NSS students where he stated that it will help the students to grow individually and as a group.
Librarian G. Arun Prasad, explained in detail about the huge inventory of books available at the library, both in form of book as well as e-books. He further described the library sections and services, general instructions to be followed in library, membership eligibility and stated the programs that have been organized in the library.
Prof. W. Sharmila discussed on the scholarship for students. she explained several eligibility criteria to avail the scholarship.
Placement cell officer, Prof. T. Balachardar, Dept of Commerce, discussed about the job opportunities through campus drive.Mr. C. Devaraj, A.P Department of Tamil- shift I explained how to apply for bus pass and college bus. Mrs. Kavitha elaborated about the fee structure and payment details. The program ended with the Vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Anusha Banu followed by National Anthem.