Name of the event : Career Guidance and Awareness Programme
Date : 10.01.2023
Time : 11.30 a.m to 3.00 p.m
Participants : More than 700
The event “Career Guidance and Awareness Programme” for students is organized by NaanMudhalavan Associated by MGC with IQAC. The event started at 11.30 a.m. on 10.01.2023 Tuesday with prayer song followed by Tamil Thaivalthu Principal, Vice Principal Shift I and Shift II IQAC co-ordinator, Programme, convener and other staff and students were present for the inauguration of the event Principal Dr.M.Sivarajan, felicitated the gathering, Dr.M.Venkatesan introduced the resource person Mr.S.ArunKumaran and Ms. Padma to the gathering. The event began soon after the welcome address.
First Session:
Ms.Pathma Skill trainer hosted the first of the First Section she covered topic such a Career Guidance, Government jobs and vacancy and the second of is hosted by Mr.ArunKumaran he covered the topic such as vacancy in Railways further more he monetary the session by the guidance towards the career. The first session held for the First Shift final year student of MGC.
Second Session:
The session is monitored and hosted by Mr.ArunKumaran and Ms. Pathma. The session is make for the II Shift Final year students of MGC that the same topic in First Session were covered in the II Session also. For the conclusion the programme came to the end with vote of thanks and National Antham. The feedback of the programme were collected after the ease session and submitted to the reported chief guest.