Let us congratulate the convenor Dr.Rajalakshmi.S and co-convenor Ms.J.Dikshita of Anti-Drug cell for organizing a rally on account of "The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking" on 26/06/2023(Monday). The Rally was led by Principal Dr.R.Srikanth, Vice- Principals of both shift Dr.G.Gayathry and Dr.S.Shalini Maher, IQAC Co-ordinator Prof.S.Shantha, accompanied by the Heads, staff members, 100 students of various departments, NSS and NCC Volunteers, to create awarness on drug abuse and Illicit trafficking. The inspector of police of V7 Police station Mr.George Miller, chief guest of the program, joined the Rally along with other police officials. Special thanks to Vice Principals Dr. G. Gayathry and Dr. S. Shalini Maher for their support and guidance. I extend my thanks to HoDs, Deans & Staffs who also accompanied in the rally.